It’s about what’s in front of you

Its about whats in front of you

It’s about what’s in front of you.

Keep your focus on future not the past. No matter where you are in your life journey to position your self for a success and happiness tomorrow you must keep your focus on what’s in front of you. It’s a classic metaphor, our lives are like a car ride, and while the rearview mirror is there for a reason, it shouldn’t dominate our attention or focus.

In the hustle of daily life, it’s easy to get caught up in what has already happened—our past triumphs, regrets, and memories. These reflections are important, but they should never eclipse the vast expanse of potential that lies ahead. The key to a fulfilling life is in forging a path toward a future that excites and inspires us.

Focus on the Future, Not the Past 

Imagine you’re driving a car. The windshield is large and clear, providing a wide view of the road ahead. The rearview mirror, by contrast, is small and peripheral. This design isn’t accidental. The windshield represents your future—the expanse of possibilities, dreams, and opportunities that lie before you. The rearview mirror represents your past, which, though important it is behind you.

When you drive, you can not reach the destination you set out for by focusing on the rearview mirror. The same principle applies to life. Focusing too much on the past can lead to missed opportunities, not reaching your full potential, and the blessings and dangers that are ahead. Dreams Should Be Greater Than Memories

Your dreams, goals and aspirations should always be bigger than your past and your memories. While your past is a part of you, it doesn’t define you or confine your potential. By keeping your dreams and goals in the forefront of your mind, you create a sense of direction and purpose. The excitement of what’s to come can propel you forward, providing the motivation to overcome challenges and embrace new possibilities.

Avoid the Crash of Regret 

Looking too long in the rearview mirror of life can lead to metaphorical crashes. Just as a driver who’s not paying attention to the road can end up in an accident, focusing too much on past mistakes or missed opportunities can lead to a sense of stagnation or regret. It’s important to learn from the past, but don’t let it dictate your future. The windshield—the future—is where you should set your sights.

The Bigger Picture 

The windshield is much larger than the rearview mirror for a reason. It’s designed to give you a broader, more expansive view of what lies ahead. Life, too, is about the bigger picture. It’s about embracing change, chasing after dreams, and looking forward with hope and optimism.

So, as you navigate the journey of your life, remember to keep your focus forward. Embrace the excitement of the unknown, take bold steps towards your dreams, and let your past be a source of wisdom, not a roadblock. The future is waiting, and it’s filled with tremendous possibilities.

ImportantAdvice: Your Is Only Past For Improving Your Future 

Your past does not dictate or determine your future, unless you give it that power. Commonly people give far to much power to their past, past failure, past struggles, past decisions. Giving the past this power erodes your confidence in the future, steals your God given gifts and abilities, negatively impacts your mindset and beliefs. Don’t give it that power.  The past is only for reference and learning to improve your future. Get your mind and eyes looking forward.

Expand Your Vision: See the Bigger Picture 

Elevate your view. Allow your dreams to soar higher than your memories and keep your eyes on the expansive windshield of your future. Embrace the road ahead with excitement and anticipation, and let your journey be guided by the potential that lies before you.

Remember, the road ahead is your path to greatness—so let your dreams lead the way.

Elite Performance, Head Coach

Coach Calloway

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